Like a delicate winter snowflake or precarious spring butterfly, a flower girls’ dress lasts but one day. This is, I think, part of their charm. And so I searched every fabric store in the city, to find the perfect matching fabric for this miniature dress (I may have wanted to create a mini-me, just for a day). I ended up finding the French lace in a remnant bin at Tessuti fabrics and was rather chuffed with myself. I got to the counter and the lovely sales assistant was so distracted by my ring , she undercharged me by quite a bit. When I tried to interject her praises, I was cut off by stories of when her daughter got married. Not a topic to be interrupted! Needless to say I practically skipped all the way down Reservoir street.
With the little piece finally finished (it’s rather difficult to do fittings on a three year old as it turns out) I couldn’t wait to show the ‘princess’ herself –Georgia Lee. The night before the big day I finished off the covered buttons, pressed it and hung it on a pink, satin hanger (or my mum did all that, I can't remember) all ready for the big reveal.
On the morning of the princess arrived a little late and abruptly announced (whilst holding her aching ear),
‘Mummy, I don’t want to get married today!’
I was convinced we weren’t going to get her down the aisle. Her usual giggly demeanour, had been taken over by sobs and scowls. That was until, we put her in the dress. She went from this...
To this...
In the time it takes to say silk-satin, tulip skirt!
Sorry I don't have a very clear picture of it for you. As flowers and handbag and Bride Barbie and Groom Ken, had to go with us everywhere.
Next up...The Wedding Dress!
Photos courtesy of Andrew James Photography
Congratulations to u and James! Can't wait to see the pics. Best wishes from Minnesota. Alisi xx