365 days without shopping!

Let's be honest girls...we buy too many clothes. This year I have decided to put an end to my constant clothing consumption and re-invent, re-work and recycle my own wardrobe and the wardrobes around me. I will only wear clothes made by my own hands, exchanged / borrowed from a friend (or friendly stranger) or salvaged secondhand. And so starts my good fashion choices, even if I'm only making them for myself.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fashion Week across uni campuses everywhere!

Laptop - check...petrol in the car - check...lecture room number - check...coffee - double check...thermals - bring just in case...

Like clockwork every year, the first day of Autumn and the first day of uni semester meld together to make the perfect storm of all Mondays. And in case you hadn't noticed, let me inform you that fashion week has started across university campuses everywhere! As I sat in gridlock this morning, cold, wet and late for my 8:30am lecture in WOLLONGONG, I had to make a concerted effort to avoid running down a first year. Don't get me wrong, I love the little dears. But they are slow, take up valuable car spots and still clump together in clicky groups, that spill into corridors and block entrance ways! And don't get me started on wearing Lady GAGA style heels to uni! It will only end in mascara drenched tears.
I think my distaste for first years stemmed from recognising one a few years back, then realising it was because I used to babysit her!
So now, technically in my FOURTH year at uni, I sit at my laptop and observe that the temperature on campus has indeed dropped since this morning and the only thing consoling me is my newly-made tights (the ones my dad coined 'ohh look Avatar legs'). Finally it's cold enough to wear a synthetic fibre on your bottom! And if that didn't put a smile on my face, the line of 'P' platers getting booked outside the western carpark certainly did.

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